
(Since the) official school colors (are red) and white, (all of) us (has worn) red and white to the championship game.

Correct! Wrong!

George Washington _________first U.S. President.

Correct! Wrong!

The main purpose (of this class) is to (help you) better understand the (history of there) country, and how (it came to be).

Correct! Wrong!

The poverty level in the United State is currently set __________________.

Correct! Wrong!

A dream about falling _________.

Correct! Wrong!

____________ a tree can be grown from a seedling.

Correct! Wrong!

If she ____________ to advance her clock one hour, she wouldn’t have been late for work.

Correct! Wrong!

(When) I joined the staff (of the) newspaper, I (were taught) to write short, powerful (headlines).

Correct! Wrong!

The White Rose Bridge, (which close) today, for (resurfacing will not) be (open for) (two months).

Correct! Wrong!

_______ chocolate will give you a tummy ache.

Correct! Wrong!

Pearl Buck, (a recipient) of the Nobel Peace Prize (for Literature) in 1938 (strove to bring) understanding and peace (on everyone).

Correct! Wrong!

(Crawfish) farming (have been practiced) in south Louisiana (for) many (years).

Correct! Wrong!

In most circumstances (the person that owns) the property (can claim) the rights (as money) made (from drilling oil) on their property.

Correct! Wrong!

Amelia Earhart was _______________ to pilot her plane across the Atlantic Ocean.

Correct! Wrong!

It (was) obvious from his response in the press conference (that) the candidate (prepare) his answers (well).

Correct! Wrong!

Sangat Baik

Sangat Baik

Anda sangat baik dalam structure, pertahankan....


Anda cukup baik dalam structure, pertahankan....


Anda masih cukup dalam structure, yukk berlatih lagii....


Anda masih kurang dalam structure, yukk berlatih lagii....
Sangat Kurang

sangat kurang

Anda sangat kurang dalam structure, yukk berlatih lagii....

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